It uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and advanced software to scan directly to PDF instead of JPG. It does not have a flatbed for radiographs. Allows for fast scanning of documents using a document feeder. Scanning is done outside of Open Dental (not from the Imaging Module).

NEAT ND-1000: Multi-page scanning doesn't work.The following scanners are ones that are known to NOT work well:

Several customers have had success with the Epson Workforce DS-510 Color Document Scanner. Epson WF-4640 Series Printer/Scanner/Fax.Known to work for duplex (multi-page) scanning: We do all testing on Epson WF-845 (or greater) scanners/printers and use them in-house with no issues. For ordinary scanning that does not require transparencies, nearly any scanner will work with the Imaging Module.